Well I cannot say that I managed to get out and fish at all in January,what with the heavy snows and then the snow melt that followed I have to say I found it most depressing conditions.What followed was a bout of cabin fever and as soon as the snow decided to pack up its very heavy suitcases,thaw and move elsewhere,I decided with the slightly milder conditions to get in a session.
The night before I decided to get some small Pva mesh bags ready and as I did not have enough betaine pellets for the mesh bags and for on the hook,I used a few 15mm halibut pellets along with Crushed and freshly made Halibut and Belechan boilies in the bags.
I also decided to make up a nice light water based halibut and belechan paste which is cereal based and made to a plasticine concistency,I made this to wrap round the pellets and boilies.
Getting down to the river I was greeted to the sight of a red Kite taking off from one of the trees and being carried off effortlessly on the rather brisk northerly breeze,I was so very glad to be out fishing again,the river was running fast and still fairly high but lower than it had been after the snow melting.
After getting setup I popped the betaine pellet rod with paste wrapped round it 1 metre out and downstream on to a nearby gully and the boilie rod was placed expectantly upstream and near to a tree snag.
I have to say conditions favoured some big Chub to be feeding and whilst I did hope for a Barbel,deep down I knew that my chances were slim given the weather conditions.The day wore on and I had not got down to the river as early as I would have liked to,at around 2pm my boilie rod had a sharp couple of taps and then lay still and motionless,this signalled that perhaps Chub were about,I had fed some liquidised bread mixed with casters and maggots into my swim earlier in the day as I felt there was a chance of a Chub or two.
Sitting down nibbling Custard creams and sipping the odd cup of tea surrounded by nature and not any other disturbances,is to me something very wonderful,I watched the Woodpecker hop from branch to branch on the bare trees and a grey Squirrel dash along beside the brambles,only to spot it later digging up it`s winter food horde and having a good munch accompanied by two pheasants,whom to all intents and purposes looked like they were going to attempt a feathered mugging on Mr Squirrel.
The day had been pretty quiet and I had also brought with me some fresh prawns and decided to change the boilie rod to half a hair rigged prawn,by now it was coming up for 6pm and the daylight was fading away as I re-checked the Betaine pellet,this time round I thought I would place the betaine pellet back out with a slightly larger paste wrap and a cocktail of red and white maggots on the hook.
With both rods placed back out and in position I sat back looking at the full moon as it darted in and out between the heavy cloud and listened to the owls beginning their night time hunting calls,I had decided to fish until 9pm or whenever it began to feel too chilly for me,whichever came sooner and my toes were very chilly inside my waders.
7pm came calling and I sat drinking tea and wondering just where all the time goes,it always goes too fast when your fishing.
My betaine pellet rod bleeped a solitary bleep,my ears perked up and all fell silent again,40 mintues later and another bleep then another,the swinger smacked up and returned back down to earth,Chub was the first thing that popped into my mind and before I knew it the exage clutch jerked off and rod tip bent round,I lifted in and was met downstream by a solid sprinting resistance,the tell tale large flash of silver as my headlights beam hit the fish as it broke the surface gave it`s identitity away,it was a Chub and real nice one by the look of it,after trying to head shake the hook loose it was eventually sat in the net,wide backed,ample gut and in lovely condition,it looked a quality fish and worth weighing.
Sure enough it did not disappoint as the scales settled on a very pleasing 6LB,I was absolutely made up.
After slipping it back to its home,I re-cast and decided to give it till 9pm after all,at around 8:45 I heard a rustle from one of the nearby bushes and not long after this I heard the shrill howls of a vixen calling out lonesomely into the night and I decided this was my cue to head off home.
I have made a small bait and fishing trip video,it is by no means meant to be anything professional,just something to show the bait I was using and my fishing trip,I hope that you might find it enjoyable.
Until next time I would like to wish you the best of luck for the rest of the season and tight lines.