This latest session for Robert and I on the Thames was only a short night time one at the new area which we had fished last time and had been trickling some bait into. We did not get to our swims until late evening 9pm or thereabouts and were chomping at the bit to get down sooner,but alas some real life issues had conspired against us which stopped our session from commencing sooner,Such is life.
We went with the baits that had proven very good this season for us 15/20mm Halibut Pellet and 22mm boilies on running rigs with 2oz grippa weights to 10lb Drennan Sink Braid and size 8 Kamasan Animal Hooks.Robert and I decided on fishing all our rods at near marginal features he settled on a gravel run in between a cabbage patch area and I went with one rod to a tree with its roots disappearing into the water and under the bank like a hollow,my other rod was put to a marginal bush very close in less then a rod length out.
So we were only going to be fishing till around 3am and we settled down into our respective swims and the night ebbed away as it does,feeling very mild for late September with some nice cloud cover,at 11pm my left rod (pellet) rattled off and I was into a lively short sprinting fight from another quality Thames Chub which went 6Lb on the scales
So a nice solid start to our session had begun and not more then 30 minutes later my right Rod (boilie) tore off from the marginal tree routes and belted off upstream after a short lively fight a common of 9Lb was sat in the landing net
I was reasonably happy,given the short period of time Robert and I had to play with it looked like we was in for a good session,we both had a chat about the developments of the session and as Robert was opening a pack of biscuits for the obligatory dunking in tea,his right Pellet rod on the gravel patch screamed off downstream and he was into a very solid fight that bored away and refused to come to the surface. The fish then shot out across some dense cabbage patch and the water boiled in front of us,and eventually the fish surfaced and looked a decent Thames Barbel and sure enough it was a new Barbel Pb for Robert weighing in at a cracking 13lb.
So what a session so far Thames running slow and clear and fish feeding happily under cloudy skies,Robert and I were very happy indeed.At around 2am my right Rod Single toned and blistered off upstream keeping in the margins at the same time.I lent in and was met with solid resistance and power the fish was making its way to another marginal snag further upstream ,luckily I could walk up a little way and took advantage of this to get extra purchase on the fish,eventually I managed to play her back from the marginal snags further upstream and Robert was by my side and landed a lovely Common with a lovely sized tail on it ,no wonder it had belted off,it weighed in at 16lb.
This was to be the last fish of our short night session,but what a lovely little session it turned out to be,we returned home,only to be even the more eager to get back out again,such is the Thames it is truly the elixir of life to an angler.